5 Tricks To Make Your Room The Most Beautiful Place On Planet

5 Tricks To Make Your Room The Most Beautiful Place On Planet


People spent most of their time in their room. So we are coming with 5 tricks which helps you to make your room the most beautiful place on Earth.

1 Light Up Your Pictures

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Instead of putting them directly on the wall, hang them or clip them to your fairy lights. That will put them in an awesome light display.

2. Ping Pong Lights

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All you have to do is poke holes in small ping pong balls and put a tiny bulb inside each one of them. And then, you will have this beautiful string of soft lights.

3. Pocket Memo Board

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It looks so cool and it easy to make. You only have to do is pick some old jeans pockets to your Board

4. Beautiful Bottle Lamps

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Its very easy to make and looks gorgeous . You just have to pick some bottles and filled with the LED Lights

5. Word Wall Art

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If you like minimal decoration, the ‘wall art’ is for you.

Now stop Browsing and start decorating your room.

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